Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bactrack to the Beginning Part 2: The Cleft

It's been several months since I began to recount my journey so, I have decided, while I'm on the surface, to continue my account of my journey so far...

I awoke some time later; I didn't have a watch so, I had no idea how much time had actually passed. I rolled over onto my right side and was startled when I felt something bump my hip. Standing up I could now see that the little green book was hooked on to my pants. I had almost forgotten about it.

I went back outside to further examine the totem. I noticed a hand symbol carved into the front. Reaching out my right hand, I touched it. The hand glowed briefly and the totem opened to reveal another book.

Well, I thought, maybe this can lead me home. I placed my hand on the page, just like before, and everything went black.

I found myself in a fenced in area in the desert. It seemed completely deserted. Wandering around, I found that , once again, I was wrong. An airstream trailer and a person. Civilization! A feeling of relief and joy came over me thinking I would soon be on my way home.

I should have known better than to be so optimistic. This guy left me more confused than when I started. Of course I don't know why I'm here; I'm trying to leave! And who is "she"? All I understood was that his name was Zandi. At this point I knew I wasn't going home anytime soon. Well, at least he offered some help if I needed it.

So, off I went wandering around the fenced in desert. I didn't really know where to start. I decided to go back to see Zandi (he did offer to help). I came around to the back of the trailer and saw something familiar. The hand symbol on a piece of cloth. I went up to it and touched it. It glowed a little and then faded. hmmm....Maybe there are more around here.

I was right, there were more symbol cloths. And after some more wandering around and navigating the cleft, I found six cloths. But, it didn't seem to finish the hand symbol.

Well, by now I had turned the power on so I figured I  should try the mechanism in the cleft. I entered the four symbols from the wall and pressed the button.

WOW! I wasn't expecting that! So this must be Yeesha. Some will seek the destination, but you should seek the journey... What does that mean? Wait, another cloth!!

I touched it after the transmission ended. The hand symbol was complete. What now? Maybe the tree will open now. I was right; the tree opened.  

I climbed down inside and found a piece of paper with the picture of the totem on it. Then I used my book to return to the island called Relto.

I'll continue my adventures in further posts, but I'll have to go for now.

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